Monday, July 27, 2009

Noah (7 months)

Hello! As our first Hildebrand blog, I figured I'd tell you what Noah's been up to lately. :)

Noah's just about crawling these days. He rocks a lot and takes a "step" or two but no solid crawling quite yet (our gate should be here shortly so good thing as we're not quite ready yet). He babbles a lot (although not quite as much as he used to) and has learned to smile really big. :) It's cute. I'll try to get a picture of it soon and post it. The babbles are a lot of da-da-da-da or t-t-t-t. Still no ma-ma-ma but I'm working with him on that. :) Coming along with the almost-crawling is almost sitting up by himself (from lying). He can sit decent (still topples sometimes) if you put him into a sit but as he's been trying to crawl, he's also real close to pushing himself into a sit. He's getting so big! Solid food is going well and we've started on proteins (praise Todd for making that chicken puree because I wasn't soo thrilled with it...yuck!).

We're spending a couple days up north with Sara, Mason and Isla and really enjoying ourselves. Todd, unfortunately, had to work so it's just Noah and I but we're having fun. Last night we went to the pool and Noah had his first swim ever! (Pictures to come). He loved it. I'm pretty sure he would have stayed in there forever, but I called it a day to avoid the over-tired kid while trying to shower and change him. Isla really had fun swimming with Noah, Pool-Dora and Daddy so it was a good time had by all (OK, maybe Sara didn't have all that much fun from the sidelines). Then we went home, napped and spent some time outside before bed. Noah loves it outside and is always quite content.

Well, that about it for us right now. Have a great day!

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