Friday, March 26, 2010


Isla graduated from "Little Laker Play School" today! They had a ceremony with singing and a video of all the activities they had done over the past 9 weeks. It was so cute to see all of the kids in their little cap and gowns. I don't know if you can see it in the pictures, but the tassels on their caps were color crayons....too cute! Isla had such a great time at preschool this year; we will certainly be doing it again next year. I can't wait to see how she changes from this year to next.


  1. Oh my Gosh, Too cute!!! Yeah, Isla!

  2. Yeah did such a good job at school this year. I am so glad you came. What a big girl you are becoming. Excited to play at the park with you this summer :)

  3. What a BIG girl she's becoming. I swear they just grow up way to fast.
