Tuesday, June 29, 2010

A Week of Firsts

This has been a big week for the Pender girls. Isla had her first dentist appointment on Monday and she did so well. It does help to know the dentist, thanks Dr. Ryan. Anyhow, I was wondering how she would do and she did great. We got there a little early so she could watch Mason having his teeth cleaned and see what it was all about and when it was her turn she jumped up into the chair and sat really still while Dr. Ryan checked her teeth. Looks like she's doing a good job brushing and now we can also start having her floss her teeth. We'll use the floss picks instead of trying to have her wrap floss around her fingers. Can you just imagine how insane that would be?? Of course I forgot my camera so I don't have any pictures of this event. Why do I always forget that thing?? I should just start putting it in my purse and carrying it with me wherever we go. Another first for Isla is she can now buckle herself into her car seat. How GREAT is that?? It's wonderful. She can get into the car all by herself, and get buckled while I get Greta into her seat. Thankfully, she can't get out yet. She isn't quite strong enough to push the release button on the straps. And speaking of car seats, it was a first for Greta this week too. She graduated from her carrier into a "big girl seat" as Isla likes to call it. Yep, we've moved into the convertible car seat for Greta. She still has to face backwards because she isn't a year yet, but her new seat gives her a lot more room. It will be really nice when she's 1 and can face forward, but for now, she doesn't seem to mind facing backwards. Maybe I'll get a picture of Greta in her new seat and post that so I've got something to show everyone. And lastly, the biggest first for Greta is that she is now crawling. She will be into everything soon. I will be kept plenty busy watching her. I don't remember Isla being as fast or as inquisitive, but Greta certainly is all about it! Summer is flying by, I'm really enjoying my time home with the girls and an looking forward to the rest of what summer has in store for us.

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